'Im hoping to release it by the end of the summer'
Man that must be like a 2 hour movie cause if your taking 3 years to make it. Cant wait until its realesed *sigh*
'Im hoping to release it by the end of the summer'
Man that must be like a 2 hour movie cause if your taking 3 years to make it. Cant wait until its realesed *sigh*
Good Job, continue and get better.
2 things: Try animating a lil faster, the msg appears after like 2 secoonds and stick with all sprite for now, is pretty good 2 so I give you a 3. I will look foward in looking in other movies you make.
Dude, at first I didnt understand it, but actually know makes perfect sence. Keep up the good work, oh and make that battle scene the best one that u have made!
I dont know why it didnt got front page >:O. Keep up the good work! Its awsome! =D
I really like your animation style. Nice flash...but whatever!
Nice, But Im sure this isnt your first
This is your first SUBMMITION to NewGrounds, but I dont think this is your first flash made. You dont have to lie to get eveyone attecion. Since this movie is awsome.
Hello to everyone!!
First, sorry for my english. As you can see I really don´t speak english and that´s the reason of the strange accent. I´m not mexican or domminican, I´m spanish (je,je). I dubbed the mistery cat and the children´s voice, and a friend of mine dubbed the hooded stranger (I call him egg eyes, he he)and helped me to translate all to english (¡Gracias Millan!).
By the way, I know that is Mystery and not Mistery, but didn´t knew this when I made the web page two years ago.
As I can see, some people don´t believe that is my first animation, but it is REALLY my first animation. The only thing I was made in flash was the web page with the illustrations of Mistery Cat, but is the first time I try to make an animation and of course I´ve spent a lot of time, but I´m very happy with the ressults. The only experience I have was a story board for a spanish TV movie called "Arroz y tartana" and some comic books.
Thanks to everybody for your praises and critics, as soon as I finish the spanish dubbing, i´ll begin with the chapter two "THE FIGHT" and I´ll try to improve the sound.
Good Job
I like SMB and DBZ, and I know whats its going on in the series and what may happend next. And I think you doing a fine job in your Series. And I hope this series is long, but dont mkae it to long, ppl migth stop making movies because of this XP. Anyways well done.
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Man in a Suit
I beat that game 100%
Joined on 12/3/05