How's everyone enjoying Splatoon lately? If you dont know Splatoon is a new game release by Nintendo last week, and really one of my favorite games released this year so far!
I decided while waiting for Splatoon I would create an animation related to the game, this would mean I would have to make all the sprites from scratch, my most custom made sprites for a pixelated animation to date! Thankfully while it took me a while to make (2 weeks in total) I feel like it turned out pretty well! I guess in a sense this is a way to tell myself that I could make completely custom sprites for animation if I want to! :D
Of course since this is just a hobby at this paticular time, I cant do that very often so things should be simple again by next week... OR WILL THEY?! I actually dont know what im doing yet.. LOL! See ya then!
Pretty great :D